Hi, I'm Vlad .

Hey, my name is Vlad Mocanu. I am interested in software development and i strive to become a web developer at the moment.

About me

Information About me

Hello, my name is Vlad Mocanu and I’ve been interested in software development since High School. I've worked on several small projects through courses and by myself and now I am looking for a job as a web developer.

I want to develop my potential by working on projects as challenging as possible, to gain as much experience as possible and to build a successful career in the field. I am looking forward to get some hands-on experience working and learning in a work enviorment.


Languages: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, jQuery, SQL, nodeJS, C++

Technology: Git, MongoDB, Unreal Engine 4, Sourcetree

My Projects

Here are some of my projects that I've done in various programming languages.

Top-down Shooter

A top down survival game with endless waves of enemies, health pick-ups, enemy death tracker, made using Unreal Engine 4.

Simple Quiz

A quiz with 5 general knowledge questions, that are provided by an API that is available on opentdb.com.

Chrome Extension

An extension for Chrome that helps you save links and tabs to the local storage.

Pomodoro Clock

A timer that breaks work into intervals separated by short breaks that can be changed by the user.

Tenzies game


A pinball game using Unreal Engine 4. Implemented a menu with a high score entry, the HUD and simple interactions between objects.

Product page

JavaScript Calculator

A simple calculator made using React Hooks.

Architectural Visualisation

A room using different assets and particle effects made in Unreal Engine 4.

Survey Page

Random Quotes Generator

Contact Me

Contact me here


: Bucharest, Romania


: vlad.mocanu13@gmail.com

Mobile Number

: +40732356562


: Romanian, English